Modern Contemporary


elegant design current trends

Sibirieh Buda

Handmade necklace with red-dyed coral, stones and compact glass beads with shell disc


contemporary necklace made from fabric and assorted glass beads to represent the Melanau Terendak shape with native design fabric.


By Pangieh Ranee, inspired by clouded leopard or bisuwi.
Bisuwi is a local bidayuh Bijagoi word for sunda clouded leopard or panther that can be found in Borneo. "The Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi) is a medium-sized wild cat native to Borneo and Sumatra. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 2015, as the total effective population probably consists of fewer than 10,000 mature individuals, with a decreasing population trend. On both Sunda islands, it is threatened by deforestation. " Wikipedia
Image of Clouded Leopard : Google
Necklace (pangiah) made from Tiger's Eyes stones and assorted glass beads

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